Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Srilankan-Thamizh eelam crises started rapidly only from 1948

The Srilankan-Thamizh eelam crises started rapidly only from 1948 when the centuries along rulers Britishers left the country declaring independence to India & Srilanka-Thamizh Eelam which was separate country state was uniffied in srilanka which the whole of srilanka was once an original Inhabitants Thamizhs of Eelam.

  1. The congress central ruling JawaharlalNehru, LalBahadur Shasthri made a big blunder by accepting Indian Origin Thamizhs of over 8 lakhs who were citizens in Thamizh Eelam-Srilanka to India.
  2. In 1974 Smt.Indira Gandhi gifted Indias Hindu Thamizhs Property KatchaTheevu to srilanka which resulted to over 800 Indian Thamizh Fishermens Brutel murder by srilanka on Indian Soil.(But India has wasted over 1 lakh crores And Thousands of its Soilders in Kashmir ).
  3. Indo – Srilankan pact in 1987 made by this Inexperienced Pilot boy RajivGandhi which was not acceted by Eelam Thamizhs and in the name of peace the IPKF of Rajiv,Narasimharao,J.N.Dixit, Natwar singh,Romesh Bhandari,M.K.Narayanan, killed over 10.000 Eelam Thamizhs and India also lost its Thousands and Thousands of Army for no reason also in 1987-1991 India incurred over 1lakh crores Loss and 2 1/2Lakhs Indian Soldiers returning empty hand on Thamizhs Blood Shed.
  4. Later Rajivs death is a big misery as Jain Commision, Varma Commision is a eye wash when many big shots are escaped and saved when victims are ordinary Thamizhs.
  5. The sixty years rulers of Delhi Congress and it s deadly Enemy Dravidan cult DMK joined hands against Thamizhs in 2004 and the Total Victims are World Thamizhs in Eelam killing over 2 ½ Lakhs Innocents which is the worst Human Rights Violation of the 21 st century the 50,000years old Lemuria Kandam mother land of Thamizhs is now under invaders and over 3,000 Hindu Temples Demolished by the congress and Sinhala chauvinist , but the Babri Masjid is congress ‘s Election Harvest.
  6. At present the 3 ½ Lakhs Thamizhs who are in open air Electric fencingwithout food and shelter starvation Rape and regular Brutal murder going on as the Red Cross and the UN envoys are driven out by this Notorious Gang of Rajapakshe,SaratFonsekha,and Indias Sonia, Karunanithi,Pranab Mukarjee,M.K.Narayanan,Sivashankarmenon,Vijay Nambiar,A.K.Anthony,P.Chidambaram group are siding Sinhalese.
  7. Indias Border Countries are enemies now and China has covered hole of India including KachaTheevu, hence the Indias Foreign Policy is Total
    Failure we welcome the Trans National Government of Thamizh Eelam, New York,U S A.
  8. We Strongly Oppose Srilankan Minister Salitha Thisanayake’s visit to India
On behalf of over 1 crore Thamizhs and other Hindu Organisations,

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